disaster prep

disaster prep

Monday, May 19, 2014



School are generally considered to be safe havens for millions of students. However, recent natural disasters, in-school violence, acts of terrorism, and the threat of pandemic flu has demonstrated the need for schools to be prepared for a range of crises.

Learn your school’s emergency procedures. Emergency plans and phone numbers are usually included in school handbooks and posted in classrooms. Students are safer when they know what to do when an emergency occurs.

What can you do to keep your children safe? 

  1. Know travel routes to and from the school.Make sure you and your child know both primary and alternate routes. 
  2. talk with your child about safety.
  3. Inform school staff about health and emotional concerns.
  4. Get involved

 Learn which questions to as school staff.

  1. How will school officials communicate with families during a crisis?
  2. Does the school store  adequate food, water and other basic supplies?
  3. Is the school prepared to “shelter-in-place” if need be, and where do they plan to go if they must evacuate.
  4. Is your school addressing ways to prevent crises,as well as respond to them?
  5. Has a school staff person been designated to coordinate activities to maintain a safe and healthy environment?
  6. Are counselors and psychologists available to work with students?
  7. Do school staff, and community members collaborate on school safety?

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